Hi, I'm Jacob!

I'm a fourth-year student at Western University in London, Ontario, studying mathematics and computer science.

I'm currently a data science intern at Ceridian, where my focus is on machine learning research. Throughout this year, I'm working on a thesis project in mathematical physics with Dr. Tatyana Barron. 

Over the past couple of years, I've thought about and worked on combinations of category theory, homotopy type theory, and formal verification of mathematics in proof assistants. On the computer science side of things, I've been a frequent participant in hackathons since my first year (even taking home the trophy at UWO's flagship hackathon in 2020).

This past summer, I worked with Muller Lab, researching applications of graph theory to computational neuroscience, primarily focusing on dynamical systems. 

This website contains information about my academic and research endeavours, as well as my resume.

Updated 2024-01-17.